Monday, June 14, 2010


At the beginning of my Freshman year, during the first week of Honors English I remember the infamous "English Blog" being mentioned. At that point I had no idea what to expect because I have never written a blog in my life. After a few blog posts, I felt like I really got into the hang of things and actually enjoyed blog posts. I believe that this was mainly due to the fact that they were easy and an enjoyable form writing. Some of my favorite topics we covered this year include the "Best Friend" and "Earliest Memory" posts. These ones were particularly pleasurable because they were all about personal experiences, rather than novels. The "Best Friend" one was so awesome to me because I thought it was totally easy to just freely write about someone that you are friends with. I liked the "Earliest Memory" one because I thought it was great to reflect back on my past dance experiance, all the way when I was 3 and 4 years old! I feel like some of the novel related posts like the Romeo and Juliet one about its relevance in modern culture however were pretty fun as well. I thought it was extremely interesting to go back and take a look at all of the blog posts because I feel like it provoked a lot of thought about the entire year as a whole. It was so weird to see the dates of the posts and see that we read The Importance of Being Earnest sometime in February and I just really feel like that was much, much more long ago. Not only this, I was able to revisit the fact that we read Great Expectations this year, which was very bittersweet. Sweet because I am so very thankful we are done with that book, but bitter because I remember how much of a challenge it was. I think that the posts we did on this book were actually the funnest activities we did related to that particular novel. Again, going back to one of my favorite posts, the "Culture Shock" one that was about Romeo and Juliet. This was super interesting to me because it made me think about an realize exactly how relevant Romeo and Juliet is, and how often it comes up still in modern times. Staying on the topic of Romeo and Juliet, I really loved the zodiac sign one because that is a topic that really interests me and I thought it was cool to look up all kinds of fun Taurus related facts! Overall, I just really have to say that the English Blog was a surprisingly entertaining experience that was totally different from anything I have ever done in an English class before. I think that this year of English I have learned a lot, and the blog has done nothing but enhance this factor. It is honestly really hard for me to believe that Freshman year is already over when it is something everyone looks forward for so long in their life. The quote that I think represents this is "Moving on- is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard." ~Dave Mustaine. This quote encompasses so many different things in life, which makes it easy to relate back to English. I feel like I am 100% ready to move on to 10th grade English but I don't doubt that there will be times that I wish I was back in 9th grade for all kinds of different reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Summer! I can't believe that this is our last blog!!! I love the quote you chose. In many of your other posts you talked about stuff with motivation and looking forward. I think that this is very fitting to your life and I think that you have grown so much as a writer this year! Hope we have English together again!
